Long-time supporter and volunteer Judy Dolfi raised $450 for Galveston Island Meals on Wheels through her annual pecan sale fundraiser. This donation provides 75 meals for homebound Galvestonians who are unable to prepare meals due to illness, disability, or age.
In 2021, our amazing team of volunteers gave over 4,000 hours of their time to deliver 48,533 meals to homebound elderly and disabled Galvestonians. We could not do what we do without these incredible individuals! Thank you for giving your time and making a difference in lives of our 200 recipients - one hour a week really does make a difference!
Executive Director Lauren Millo and Director Emeritus Rev. Ray Pinard co-hosted the Rotary Club of Galveston’s annual Family Day luncheon on December 15, 2021. Each year at the luncheon, a breadbasket donation is taken. Through the generous support of Rotarians, over $7,200 was raised to support the mission of Galveston Island Meals on Wheels at the luncheon! We are so grateful for the generosity of everyone in attendance and all the Rotarians who donated to GIMOW.
Annual Rev. Ray Pinard Golf Tournament to Return on Monday, November 22 at the galveston country club
Wow – what a year it’s been! Despite the ongoing pandemic and a shift in leadership following our beloved Reverend Ray Pinard’s retirement, we have seamlessly continued forward with our mission to feed homebound Galvestonians who cannot adequately prepare their own meals due to illness, physical disability or age. We are on track to deliver over 50,000 meals this year alone! With nearly 90% of our 200 clients unable to contribute toward the cost of their meals, the support from our generous donors is needed now more than ever.
We are excited to once again host our Annual Rev. Ray Pinard Golf Tournament at the Galveston Country Club and we hope you can join us through sponsorship, team support, or as an individual player. As always, there will be ample opportunities to win one of many wonderful prizes (even a new car, thanks to Classic Auto Group Galveston!), and our committee is working hard to ensure a fabulous silent auction.
“The Lord is merciful and compassionate. He provides food for his people.” Psalm 111:1-5
We hope you can join us this year in feeding the elderly, infirm and homebound of Galveston Island and we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc. was the recipient of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Galveston County’s compassionate offering. Members Bets Anderson, left, and Sue Minello, right, presented the gift to GIMOW Executive Director, Lauren Millo, center.
The Galveston Country Club Ladies Golf Association held its “Flamingo in Flop Flops” golf tournament benefiting Galveston Meals on Wheels. Co-chairs, Debbie Ballard and Linda Griffeth are pictured presenting Lauren Suderman Millo Director of Meals on wheels, with a check for $2,000.
2021 fall regatta
On Thursday, October 21, 2021, Galveston Meals on Wheels, Inc. is thrilled to once again host our Fall Regatta event at the Galveston Country Club. Guests will enjoy delicious food, entertainment, and a silent auction all while helping raise funds for Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc.
This year’s event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Galveston Country Club.
Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. We do not receive tax dollars or government funding of any kind and depend solely on the generosity of others to feed Galveston Island’s elderly, infirm and homebound. We serve over 1,000 meals per week, delivered by our dedicated volunteers.
For more information, including how to sponsor the 2021 Fall Regatta, please click here.
June 14, 2021
Dear Friends,
After 43 years of service to the community, first as a volunteer, then Director of Fund Development, and later Executive Director for Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc., Reverend Ray Pinard has decided to retire. His presence, guidance and charity have exemplified servant leadership as he has nurtured and grown the Meals on Wheels program since 1978. Although it is hard to imagine Meals on Wheels without Pastor Ray, this is a bittersweet announcement as he is richly deserving of retirement to enjoy with his children and grandchildren.
Rev. Ray has blessed and enriched the lives of so many Galveston residents. What humbly began by the Junior League of Galveston County in 1974 serving 10 homebound elderlies has now become an outreach ministry serving 200 homebound, elderly and infirmed citizens of Galveston. All the meals are prepared daily at Moody Methodist Church and are delivered by dedicated volunteers Monday through Friday, even on holidays. We will continue the mission that Rev. Ray loyally championed for the past four decades.
While Rev. Ray can never be replaced, we are excited to guide Meals on Wheels into this next chapter under the leadership of our new Executive Director, Lauren Suderman Millo. Lauren brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Meals on Wheels and is working closely with Rev. Ray to ensure a smooth transition for our organization.
Lauren is charged with leading our donor engagement and marketing initiatives to expand awareness of Galveston Island Meals on Wheels throughout our community and growing our annual contributions to ensure adequate funding to meet client demand. Prior to joining Meals on Wheels, Lauren was the marketing director at Moody Bank where she led all communications, branding, marketing, advertising, philanthropic and public relations initiatives. In addition to her corporate experience, Lauren has held leadership roles with several local non-profit organizations and has dedicated thousands of hours to serving those in need.
Lauren holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University and a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. She is a 5th generation BOI and lives in Galveston with her husband, Joe, and their children, Adam and Maggie. Lauren and her family are active members of Coastal Community Church.
Please join us in wishing Reverend Pinard a relaxing and wonderful retirement and welcoming our new Executive Director, Lauren Millo, to the Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc. family!
Cara Koza
President, Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc.
Mattress Mac and our local Kroger provided each Galveston Island Meals on Wheels recipient a prepackaged bag of non perishables goods. Holiday Inn Express also added snack and breakfast items.
We delivered these bags to recipients today - and let's just say everyone was extremely thankful and grateful for this great generosity!
Frost Bank has selected Galveston Island Meals on Wheels to receive $10,000 to help alleviate the effects of the #COVID19 pandemic!
Frost announced that they will be making donations help nonprofit agencies around the state in the areas of health, human services, economic development, and arts and culture.
To read more about the donation, follow this link to their press release:
Sue Carlton and her group of Galveston mask makers donated 150 masks to our Galveston Island Meals on Wheels recipients. Shoutout to Dena Yngve for making this happen!
What an incredible act of generosity... #GIMOW loves our supportive community.
Our amazing volunteers have still been serving our community with bravery and compassion during this daunting time. We could not do it without you!!
Special shout out to Greg Samford, Richard Calvert and Root Choyce for going above and beyond by delivering coolers to all our recipients. Thank you!
We could not do what we do as a philanthropic organization without the help of our amazing volunteers or our supportive community.
Today marks Greg Samford's 35 year anniversary delivering meals for GIMOW. THANK YOU GREG FOR A FANTASTIC JOB!!!